Kim’s眼科医院是由成立于1962年的网膜医院开设的眼科疾病中心,入院当天即可按检查,治疗与手术的顺序进行一站式治疗。拥有40名眼科专门医生,13名眼科专修医生等50多人的眼科医疗团队。院内同时有内科,麻醉科,影像医学科以及诊断检查医学科等配合进行眼科手术。不仅如此,医院还设有眼科疑难杂症研究机构“Myunggok Eye Research Center”,为了患者便利医院还运营有隐形眼镜镜片室,眼镜中心,义眼室和近视中心。
The Spinal Center
The Spinal Center is led by medical teams with a vast experience conducting surgical procedures, and is equipped with the best facilities and medical equipment. It is on a world-class level as a specialized spinal center, with over 9,000 cases of spine and joint surgery annually.
Nanoori Hospital, along with its Spinal Center, focuses not only on treatment for patients, but also on education for medical teams. It has fostered core medical teams through overseas training programs for doctors and has passed on medical techniques to foreign medical teams through spine-related training and joint surgery.
Sinchon Dain Dental Hospital – leading dental hospital in Korea with a foreign patient support center. Clinic is located in Seoul, Sinchon and situated in a Grand Mart department store. Sinchon Dain Dental Hospital hosts more than 20 thousand domestic and foreign patients every year. Clinic uses an integrated approach by using professionals of various dentistry departments at diagnostics and treatment. Treatment in the clinic is a harmonious interaction between specialist of implantology, restorative dentistry, anesthesiology, orthodontics, prosthetic department’s specialists. Unlike other dental hospitals, for those with treatment anxieties, clinic provide the sedative option to reduce any discomfort and receive relaxed care. Sinchon Dain guarantees safety by having their professional anesthetists monitor during the entire procedure. Clinic possesses its dental laboratory for designing various kinds of prosthetics, from temporary crowns, metal ceramic to highly aesthetic zirconia crowns and veneers. Sinchon Dain not only surprise you with a high quality of work, but also promise to provide permanent care after the treatment, providing foreign patients with the hotel like VIP treatment rooms to relax in a cozy and warm environment.
CHA Fertility Center, a global leader in fertility treatment.
About 20,000 infertile couples have successfully conceived with assistance from CHA Fertility Center to date.
50 years of experience has been gained through the operations in IVF clinics in Korea and Los Angeles.
CHA Fertility Center emanates an elegant yet inviting atmosphere with an interior design that is reminiscent of feminine curves.
The consultation rooms are situated deep inside the center in a cozy atmosphere, and the waiting room is isolated from the external environment to ensure privacy.
Patients rest in individual recovery rooms after the embryo transfer procedure.
We provide tailored services in the VIP room exclusively for foreign patients.
Global coordinators are residing in the clinic at all times to provide one-on-one concierge services in various languages.