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A review is provided only by patients or their accompanying caregivers who have booked/visited the medical center via BTMEDI.COM, have been diagnosed/treated.
Очень приветливый персонал и переводчик, во всем помогали. После операции дали все консультации по уходу за пересажанными волосами, очень порадовал трансфер и отель. Врач до сих пор на связи хотя операция была 3го января, с любимы вопросами помогает и все разъясняет.
Great and thorough communication, after weeks of research I ended up using one of the surgeons they recommended. They really know their stuff!
My mother got the best care, the surgery went perfect despite all the risks associated.
Thank you inbone hospital team for your wonderful help!
Good relative service,nice personnel and fine desidions to care about all registration documents and travel tickets confirmation.
From clinic’s side everything was perfectly arranged.
Overall had an amazing experience and I would definitely recommend it.